Oh, I had plans! I had things upon things I was going to get done over the last 7 days.
I was going to parcel up and send off some yarn that a ravlery friend wants - I need to get to the post office to ask about the most efficient way to divide the weight of it, or whether I'd be better just sending it in one big package. If I didn't have Little B with me, I could take some packing materials and spend twenty minutes at the post office sorting it out . . . but I've always got Little B so I put it off, and then it doesn't get done.
I finished my crocheted shawl from my previous post, so I was going to photograph it, and then block it and take more photos - there was going to be a whole blog post about how I planned it and put it together. It was going to be a pretty one! But to get some space to photograph it, I really ought to tidy up a little, and maybe I'd better hoover the living room and sort out the coffee table, and really that bathroom needs cleaning too, and, and, and . . .
And double glazing company number 2 came again last Monday for a second look at the garage, and company number 3 (who where the no-shows week before last, I'm not sure about then at all) had a look around on Tuesday, and company number 1 came by again on Friday "just to remeasure because the new sales-chap who measured last time made such odd notes" . . . and I still have no firm figures to plan around . . . I did realise, however, that one of my neighbours owns (or is a director of, not sure!) a company which might be able to sort out the falling concrete from the edges of my tiled roof, so that might be a more reliable route to getting that job done at least. I shall investigate!
One goal we did manage to achieve is that we've sold the motorbike, thank goodness! It used to take Hubby to work, back when his commute took him over the Severn bridge twice a day. It saved time and money for a good few years, but then he changed jobs, and it didn't get used at all any more. It's impossible to arrive in a smart shirt and tie after travelling in an armoured bike jacket for any length of time! So the Honda went on ebay and we've been nervously watching the price wobble up over the last seven days, to roughly what we thought it ought to have cost. The buyer seems sensible, and he wants to pick it up next weekend, so that's a weight off our shoulders (and a big old bike out of our garage).
This week I've got one goal. Get more stuff done. Yep, that'll definitely work!
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