Tuesday, 29 April 2014

A sprig im by steb.

I hab a cold.  Uuuugh.  My nose is stuffed, my throat is ticklish, and I feel like my brain is stuffed with cotton wool. 

It started with a migraine on Saturday evening, which was so severe I thought I was going to lose my lunch.  I decided that, seeing as I was still feeling poorly on Sunday morning, I would have to miss out on my trip to Wonderwool Wales - it would have been a 2 hour drive each way across some pretty empty countryside, and with Little B (as I'm still feeding her) it would have been too much of a risk.  !Sigh!  I have being sensible sometimes.  Hubby has been kind to me for the last couple of mornings, taking Madam to school so I could have a little extra rest, and I'm glad that Little B doesn't seem to be feeling poorly too.

So, whilst feeling pretty yuk, I've been trying to get the house back in order following our holiday.  I'm on top of the laundry (sort-of), and the dishes are getting cleaned, but there are still things in bags that I ought to have put away.  The home-made dolls house that Madam and I started is gradually burying itself under a pile of cardboard boxes, and there is an Easter egg backlog which I'm doing my darnedest to get through.  Drat that chocolate.  It'd be cruel to force Madam to deal with it all herself.

The saga of the home improvements is still rumbling on - after they tried to convince me I didn't want a studio (because they didn't want to convert my garage) and that I ought to just have some new windows and a conservatory instead, I finally gave company #1 the boot.  Company #2's representative has been poorly, but has promised a detailed quote by the end of this week.  Company #3 never got back to me so I assume they don't want the job either.  One of my neighbours runs a construction company, and they recently did some work on their own roof, so I've asked them to come and fix ours - the concrete under the edge tiles of my roof has been degrading and dropping out, so that just needs doing - and they have a contact who is going to come and look at my garage for me, so I might just manage to get two quotes to choose from.  At some point.  Eventually.  I had thought that this recession we're supposed to be having would have made people keener to find work!

The sun is shining though, and the bluebells are arriving in the forest around our village.  Little B is sitting up and playing happily . . . I really ought to go get that laundry out of the washing machine . . .

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