Friday, 4 May 2018

Promises, I'm keepin' 'em!

Ok - second Friday in a row.  Yeah - get me with the reliability!

So as promised, the arty stuff first:

This is the finished drawing, and here's last week's for comparison:

So, I finished off I's hair, fixed B's mouth, and just generally worked on getting the shading deeper and putting more contrast in where it was needed.  This was all worked over 3 art club sessions (about 6 hours, give or take some chatting time).  I wish that I'd taken more photos along the way!  I'm thinking that blogging will help me to see what I've done a lot more clearly.

In other crafty news, I went to Wonderwool Wales last Sunday - a bit of a long drive, but I had friends with me to keep me sane!  It was fantastic as always:

And my (smaller than usual) haul:

The spectrum of mini skeins which I've already wound are sock weight merino from Moonlight Yarns ( )  - those are for a secretspecial project which I might share details of after it's been gifted - the middle two skeins are a merino nylon mix from Siobhans Crafts (which unfortunately doesn't have a website noted on their labels) in Unicorn and Grey Rainbow, and the final skein on the right is "All of Time & Space" in Merino Tencel sock from Temporal Spin ( - you can't see it very well from the photo, but there's a darker rainbow flash at the top of that skein - Whovian yarn!  How could I resist?!!

I also finished a jumper this week, but it's turned out to be a complete tent (even on my currently oversized frame), so I'm going to fix it.  Luckily it was top down and the top part and sleeves are lovely, so I'll rip it back to just under where the waist shaping stopped, add some more shaping and lengthen it without the increase in needle size etc.  I'll share photos of that mess when it's fixed!

So . . . that was still more crafty than arty I guess, so between now and next week I'm going to set myself the goal of spending some time in the shedio sorting out a better working area (and then doing some WORK in it!).  Let's see how that goes!

S xx

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